eGifts contains 5 user roles.
Each unique ID created within the system is dual controlled and is attached to
a single role that cannot be changed once the users’ created ID is verified.
Controls 4 roles:
a) System administrator
b) Security Officer
c) IT user
d) Support
The System Administrator acts as the initial configurator of the payment system as well as creator and
maintainer of profiles and users within its control.
Configurations such as Security, System, Institution,
Branch, Department, OFAC, Calendar and Currency are directly and individually controlled.
2) Security Officer
Controls 2 roles:
a) Security Officer
b) Business users
The Security Officer acts as the creator and maintainer of user profiles as well as creator of other
security officers and of business users. Business user limits as well as access to branches and
departments are also controlled by the security officers.
3) IT User
The IT user has several non-business-related functions assignable. Primarily controls the system End of
day and Start of Day processes.
4) Support
The Support user is a user whose functional menu transcends all roles. It is recommended use is for
vendor support users created by the bank’s System Administrators through recommend functional
allocations agreed upon by the bank and the vendors support team.
5) Business User
The Business User is the user created by the Security Officer to initiate, repair, release and control the
payments processing.